Marilyn Kepple

My art is my truest form of reflections through which I depict my life, my childhood growing up with culture, tradition and stories and memories of camping, fishing and hunting with family down the river or out on country. Memories of mum and I walking for hours in search of bush materials and bush foods eg turkey eggs and yam. I would sit sometimes under a shady tree somewhere whilst mum would be deeply engrossed and deep in thought when she was digging up the turkey mounds to look for the eggs.

I am a WIK Mungkan woman from Coen Cape York. My mother and father’s country is 100kms northwest of Coen. Within the WIK there are smaller clan groups and my mother and father belong to the Winchanum Clan group.

I am 47 years old and have five children three boys and two girls and I am also a grandmother. My youngest child which is 17 lives in Cairns and goes to boarding school there.

I also have connections to the Ayapathu and Lama Lama Clans in Coen. My grandmother was a Ayapathu woman from my father’s side.

Our families are spread out throughout the Cape including Cooktown, Aurukun and Pormpuraaw.

My art depicts or is a representation of stories, totems, flora and fauna, connected to the country to which I belong. These are stories which have been passed onto me by my mum.

I am a Qualified Narrative Practitioner, Community Development Consultant, Chairperson of Moopa-AWU Aboriginal Corporation, Community Justice Group Domestic and Family Violence Co-ordinator and also Community Support Worker for the Gungarde Aboriginal Corporation based in Cooktown


Full Moon

Frangipani Flower 
